About Limited Edition PrintsAll limited edition reproductions are numbered and are the only reproductions assigned a particular number. No other reproductions with the same number and subject exist or are permitted under copyright law and by the direction of the artist/creator, whose mark or signature appears on each authentication certificate. All rights to reproductions are held by the artist/creator, except as may be specified otherwise in a written agreement with the purchaser of the original, who may elect to secure exclusive reproduction rights agreed to by the artist/creator. Any unauthorized reproduction of any part or all of a reproduction, or any original from which the reproductions are produced, is a violation of copyright law and subject to penalties under such law. Reproductions or originals are the sole property of the owner/owners and shall be deemed as legal collateral or asset by the owners. The owner/owners shall also have resale or ownership transfer rights (except reproduction rights) as may be assigned by them. These quality reproductions are printed on long-lasting, colorfast papers with high-grade, archive-quality, colorfast inks to assure high value and long endurance. To insure maximum life of reproductions, it is recommended that they be displayed or stored in an interior environment, out of strong or direct sunlight and at a stable temperature between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit that is low in humidity. It should be noted that no guarantee to the endurance and stability of reproductions, as is the case with originals, can be provided, as their integrity or value is subject to the care and protection of the owner/owners and market conditions. No replacement of reproductions damaged, lost or destroyed in shipment via the mails or delivery services shall be provided, unless proof or confirmation of such claims can be demonstrated. Replacements shall be at the option of the provider. The provider shall not be responsible for circumstances beyond his control. To give reasonable assurance of delivery, shipments are via certified mail or in the case of shipping services, a tracking number is provided where possible. In the case of loss or damage to a particular numbered reproduction, the original number assigned that reproduction shall not be duplicated, but replaced with one of a different number to preserve uniqueness. About OriginalsTraditional medium originals are sold with optional copyrights and are presented as is, in their original medium form with frame, certificate of authentication and ownership transfer statement. The status of remaining issue prints are retained by the artist unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. Provision of prints for sale to meet remaining issue numbers will be the responsibility of the artist or new owner as agreed upon in writing. Digital originals are sold with optional copyrights and are presented as a CD file with a print, a certificate of authentication and ownership transfer statement. The status of remaining issue prints are retained by the artist unless otherwise agreed upon in writing. Provision of prints for sale to meet remaining issue numbers will be the responsibility of the artist or new owner as agreed upon in writing. Some limited edition reproductions my not reflect the full number of that specified in the price list, but are subject to the ultimate limit of that number. This is done to limit risk of overstocking, minimizing unnecessary depletion of resources, possible loss in the event of disaster, and taking advantage of on-demand marketing conditions.
For orders or more information contact Jim Thompson 541-535-6626 - PO Box 388,
Talent, OR 97540
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